One of my favorite things about being home alone when the husband is away is that you can do ridiculous things like take up the entire refrigerator with a salad spinner.
That's prime fridge real estate right there. I couldn't do that if I had to house a bunch of chicken and steaks for the week!
I also like it because, even though I love to cook, I can exist on crackers, lettuce, and tuna salad and barely even dirty a dish.
But I also get really bored eventually. I'm all out of Real Housewives to watch and white wine to drink and last night I accidentally took a nap at 6:30pm. The last time I took a nap that late was in middle school and I woke up confused and terrified that I had missed by friend's bar mitzvah. Time for the G-man to come back home. Things are getting weird.

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