In case you were planning on going to K38 on Oleander in Wilmington anytime soon, be advised: You will be devastated.
It's closing for renovations for 2 months and I could not be more displeased about it. I love it so.
Sure there are other locations in town, but none are as convenient. None know me as well (they don't know me at all). Plus I just need time to grieve.
I went last night for my last feast for at least 2 months. I almost cried in my black beans.
What will happen to the delightful waitstaff in this interim? Will I be invited to the grand re-opening? How many calories and dollars will I unwillingly save by not eating here at least once a week?
So many questions, so little fajitas. Temporary RIP K38. You will not soon be forgotten or replaced.

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