I recently received the Best. Gift. Ever. It was the best because it was for no occasion and because it is just the best!
My dad gave me this blanket this weekend - The Softest Blanket Ever.
First of all, it really is the softest blanket ever. I consider myself kind of an authority on blankets, couch situations, and overall coziness, so this is a bold statement.
Second of all, it makes me feel like Simba from the Lion King. What it lacks in "elegance" in the looks department, it more than makes up for in plushness and resemblance to everyone's favorite Disney Lion.
It is a little pricey online, but I think my dad got it at an Orvis Outlet shop for half the usual price. I think...Either that or I just made that up and it really is $59. I have no idea. But regardless, it's worth every penny.
It comes in Twin, Queen, etc., but I wouldn't even waste this on a bed where it would just be sitting between the flat sheet and a bedspread. This blanket deserves direct skin contact. Drape it on yourself on the couch and prepare to be in lazy person's heaven!
Thanks dad for the best October 13th present ever! I'm in love with a blanket!!

I also received this gift and loooove it. Thanks Dad!