We just picked these cucumbers and more from our garden this weekend. Can you believe we grew those from seeds?! It's remarkable to see actual results from our first attempt at vegetable gardening.
I also now understand the expression "Cool as a Cucumber". I was intrigued to discover that, although these cucs have been sitting on the ground in the hot sun for weeks, the second I peeled the skin off I felt the coolness of the cucumber inside!
I used these two make A LOT of cucumber sandwiches for our First Annual Memorial Day Cookoff. Which involved two guest judges, lots of beer, lots of sides, and lots and lots of meat!
Grant's ribs won 3rd place. The grand prize winning entry was crab cakes with a pineapple salsa. But everything was delicious! Check out these amazing pimento cheese cupcakes my friend brought. The base is a cornbread cupcake. So cute and Southern! I can't wait to make these sometime.
All in all it was a very fun, relaxing, and extremely unhealthy Memorial Day weekend! Standard protocol for me. Fun fact: By the time I clocked in around 11pm last night, I had literally gained 10 lbs in a day. I guess endless meat and beer will do that to a girl. I've never been so excited to not eat red meat or drink alcohol for the rest of the week. My organs agree.

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