April 30, 2012
April 27, 2012
Garden Update!

April 26, 2012
Dry Cleaned, Parking Lot Style

Constantly Crazy
That has certainly been the case in my observations.
Case in point - Thomas Beatie, the "Pregnant Man", is now getting bitterly divorced from his wife, whom he claims is a violent drunk who punched him in the crotch. Article here.
And finally, why, just because Thomas is a "man" now, does he have to go out and grow the world's most sad, little Mexican goatee? Hey Tommy B, you can still be a man and have a clean face. In fact, it's much more debonair. Facial Hair is not = Manliness when it comes in the form of patchy, fine hairs that don't really connect anywhere.
Final thought - If someone is abusive by nature, they probably won't have a hugely successful relationship. But if someone who has craved attention throughout her whole marriage and strived to get every detail of it on the news decides to end the relationship, he/she is not likely to go quietly. In an ideal world, that wouldn't entail punching her former-woman husband in the artificial balls, but as we all know the world is not ideal.

April 25, 2012

April 22, 2012
Ice Cream Sundays - Creme Brulee
Flavors Tried - 22
Favorite Flavor - Tied between Mint Chocolate Cookie and Creme Brulee (they are too different to pick a winner. I want them both in my life.)

April 20, 2012
Diveats - Eggs in Clouds

April 19, 2012
Good Vibrations

April 18, 2012
All Quiet on the Eastern Front

We've Got Growth

Treadmill Fall Fail

April 17, 2012
'Roid 'Ragin in the USA
I now know, thanks to some delayed honesty, that every time I would get back from the gym after work, hungry and in need of a snack, I was apparently extremely unpleasant.
Grant, presumably trying not to anger the beast, would just try to bear with me until I had fed myself. Until he finally broke down and asked me if I was taking steroids when I worked out. Apparently I was that wretched.
Wow. When you husband has reason to believe that you might be taking performance enhancing drugs just because you're being such a bitch, it might be time to rethink snack time.
Now I eat my yogurt in the late afternoon and am successfully avoiding all suspicions of 'roid rage.
That's what spouses are for - To support you through good, bad, sickness, and health. And to tell you when you're so awful that you are scaring people.

April 16, 2012
Housekeeping Tip
(You could also use the pump variety and avoid this altogether, but sometimes that just isn't the most economical version for sale).

There's a Hole in My Soul and a Gap in My Nail

Ironically, this was the fingernail I almost lost to a wart back in 2006. Hopefully it will come back for a third life. It has proven to be very resilient, and very prone to accidents. Cooking is dangerous...especially when your smoke alarm is over sensitive and you have to open the door to let smoke out. And very especially if instead of opening the door you just put your finger in it and crush your nail in half.

April 12, 2012
Oh My Butt Crack

I am particularly fond of the crushed velvet, purple number. That is just what a curvy lady wants in a dress. Something to accent her saddlebags, her love handles, and her fat ass. Thanks Etsy member Ms. Petrauskiene for making so many girls' dreams come true!
These are clearly just made by a woman, for that same woman, with a major butt-fetish. What Etsy-Shopping, right-minded woman is going to walk around wearing a dress with her entire asscrack exposed?
The answer, surprisingly, isn't no one! According to this article, 11 people have already purchased her dresses. Gag gifts, I'm sure!

Future Love

That is really crazy to think about! We've already had so much adventure and laughter and learning about each other. And it's only been 2 years! I just wonder how many more times we will make each other laugh, cry, and cry from laughing during the next 60 or so years. And maybe rage out a little bit sometimes too when I get mad. Gotta keep it interesting! (Again, assuming I don't get hit by a truck on my way home today.)
Mostly I think it will just be a little of this - http://whatshouldwecallme.tumblr.com/post/20768720920/when-my-boyfriend-leaves-for-work

April 11, 2012
Just can't name this one

"Placentophagy is the act of mammals eating the placenta of their young after childbirth." Oh and if you aren't brave enough to take a big bite of it, you can get it made into yummy capsules too!
Besides not understanding why a person would want to eat part of a bloody sac that came out of their hooha, I also do not understand how these things randomly become sudden cultural trends.
January Jones did it when she had her baby a few months ago. (But she also hasn't revealed the identity of her baby daddy is so I'm not taking tips on how to be normal from her right now). Now I'm reading about it on all kinds of pregnant people's blogs.
Where did this come from? People have been doing pretty well for the past few hundred decades without eating their own organs. Bill Gates has made billions. Steve Jobs changed technology as we know it. Beyonce Runs the World (Girls). All without their mothers or themselves having to eat placentas. Why is this suddenly a hip thing to do? Why do we as humans always feel the need to fix things that aren't broken, all in the name of being "unique" or "holistic"?
* In the interest of not posting a placenta as my main picture, I put this cute lil' puppy pic up instead. Enjoy :)

April 10, 2012
Kettle One - Me Zero

April 09, 2012
Creeper Alert

PB Bounty

April 08, 2012
Ice Cream Sundays - Peach Cobbler

April 05, 2012
Hallway to Hell

And that you've become pseudo-European and taken to eating at 9pm every night because you spent your whole evening shoveling dirt or splattering pant on the ceiling/floor/your face.

It's all about the little things!

April 04, 2012
Wine Time

Now for a white, which is what I'm typically known for. Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc. This wine is so hot right now.
It's all the rage with my bitches here on the East Coast.

I don't think I've ever spent more than $10 on a bottle of wine outside of a restaurant. And with wines like this available why would I ever want to!?
Well, I did spend $13 on a bottle of Cupcake Red Velvet when I was in Aspen recently. But that doesn't count because Aspen is where the beer flows like wine. And the wine costs at least $5 more than it would in any other part of the country.
Now, who's ready for an afterwork glass of vino!?

April 03, 2012
Guess What Today Is?!

I remember this being kind of a zoo and the B&J in Chapel Hill when I lived there, but hopefully you have a local store near you it won't be as crazy.
Click here to find your local Ben and Jerry's.
Cone's Up! Wallets Down!

April 02, 2012
Princess Camps and Dreams Deferred

And as if that isn't luscious enough, the daily camp schedules include a lax schedule from 9:30am-1pm that look like this (prepare to be violently jealous):
9:30-10:30 - dance
10:30-11:00 - snack & princess center fun
11:00-11:30 - craft creation & make-up
11:30-12:00 - surprise fun
12:00-12:30 - lunch & princess center fun
12:30-1:00 - bounce house & fashion show

Diveats - Goat Cheese, Sundried Tomato, and Basil Stuffed Chicken

FYI - the portions weren't as small as they look, that is just the world's largest piece of garlic bread.
So simple, so elegant, so tasty. So my original, patented recipe ;)

April 01, 2012
Ice Cream Sundays - Strawberry Shortcake Fro Yo

Another Greek Yogurt Flavor! Strawberry Shortcake.
Delicious and nutritious? Maybe just delicious. I'm still kind of suspicious of the health benefits of this whole Greek Fro Yo thing.
Nonetheless, this flavor is a treat! It has refreshing Strawberry flavor and yummy chunks of shortbread. The chunks don't necessarily taste like much, but they are fun to bite on. Who doesn't link a good chunk, no matter the situation!?
Btw, I just got wind that Ben and Jerry's is totally overhauling their normal Fro Yo flavors and are only going to be serving the Greek Fro Yo from now on. In addition to the regular ice cream, of course. But big news nonetheless!
If you're a Half Baked head or a Chocolate Brownie Chunk Fro Yo fanatic, go stock up. Your favorite flavors might not be around long!
Back to regularly scheduling full-fat feasting next week.