Behold: The Holy Grail of Family Decals

My friend sent this to me and it is just WOAH after WOAH after WOAH!
He dubbed it the Holy Grail and he couldn't be more spot on.
Nevermind the seemingly normal family to the bottom left.
Can we please focus on the upper middle DIVA!!!??? I bet the owner of this car wears so many bracelets at the same time.
And if this is an accurate reflection of her life, then she also probably has severe bladder control issues. But my guess is that she just got a really good deal on a package of stickers, because nothing about this family makes sense.
If I am to understand this setup correctly, I figure that would be 3 dads and 3 kids, plus 9 additional kids and 6 babies that they don't like that much. Then some really small pets.
We all know don't Divas don't hate like that, so it can't be so. My guess is a botched BOGO and a Diva who couldn't stop sticking.
So many stickers, so little sense!

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