Then a few days later I decided, "Hey, who am I to judge an ice cream just from the top spoon skim. I owe it to Milk & Cookies to eat some more!" (My logic of how it's ok to eat more ice cream ice getting quite scary).
I pretty much ended up eating the whole bottom of the pint. It appears that after my initial bite someone took the liberty of testing the rest of the top and the middle for me. Will the real Cookie Monster please stand up?
But it all worked out for the best because the bottom of that ice cream was magnificent. Everything you want a chunky ice cream to be. Creamy, chunky, chewy. There are chocolate chocolate cookies and chocolate chip cookies in this ice cream. My favorites were the chocolate chip cookie chunks. I almost believed that they had just been baked and blended in to the ice cream. They were that authentic.
I do have to say, in a battle of traditional Cookies n' Cream and Ben and Jerry's Milk & Cookies, I'd pick Cookies n Cream just because I love it and am used to it and love the dichotomy between creamy and crunchy. But Milk & Cookies is definitely my new favorite first cousin of the original. In fact, I wouldn't mind having a family reunion with him right now!
Flavors Tried - 17
Pounds Gained - 0
Favorite Flavor - Cinnamon Buns

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