Joe and Katherine Jackson are getting a divorce!
The only thing I understand less than how a black person (MJ) can have totally white kids, is how people can be married for 60 years (!!!!) and then finally decide, "Eh, I think I'ma move on."
Why wait 60 years? Why not do it when the kids are young and, more importantly, when your a-hole husband starts hitting them with belts.
Or even 20 years, after your children have left for college. Or, in this case, music tours and plastic surgeons.
I want to say I wish these two crazy kids the best in their future endeavors. But the truth is, I really don't. They creep me out.
I just hope that Blanket, Prince, and Paris have the smarts to stay out of the limelight, and to change their names the minute they are legally able.

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