If you’re like me, then you’ve been falling all 23 versions of the Real Housewives on Bravo since day one.
Thanks to DVR, I was able to watch Part 2 of the RHW of New York City reunion and then a regular episode of the RHW of New Jersey immediately following. It was very intense!
It got me to thinking, what would happen if Kelly “Batshit Crazy” Bensimmon (NYC Series)* and Danielle “I have bodyguards even though no one wants to hurt me” Staub (NJ Series) ended up in the same room together.
I literally think the world would turn to insane dust. Or, who knows, maybe just parts of the Earth would implode, causing a sink hole in the Gulf of Mexico that would spontaneously solve the oil spill debacle.
It hurts my head to even think of the two of them together, but I know I don’t want to be in that room when that meeting of the (lost) minds happens.
Why do I watch and love this garbage?! And why do people not talk more about the fact that Danielle's real name is Beverly Merrill!?
*While I think Danielle is simply the most delusional, dramatic person on Television, I really do think that Kelly is certifiably insane. It’s kind of sad :(
Thanks to DVR, I was able to watch Part 2 of the RHW of New York City reunion and then a regular episode of the RHW of New Jersey immediately following. It was very intense!
It got me to thinking, what would happen if Kelly “Batshit Crazy” Bensimmon (NYC Series)* and Danielle “I have bodyguards even though no one wants to hurt me” Staub (NJ Series) ended up in the same room together.
I literally think the world would turn to insane dust. Or, who knows, maybe just parts of the Earth would implode, causing a sink hole in the Gulf of Mexico that would spontaneously solve the oil spill debacle.
It hurts my head to even think of the two of them together, but I know I don’t want to be in that room when that meeting of the (lost) minds happens.
Why do I watch and love this garbage?! And why do people not talk more about the fact that Danielle's real name is Beverly Merrill!?
*While I think Danielle is simply the most delusional, dramatic person on Television, I really do think that Kelly is certifiably insane. It’s kind of sad :(

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